数据显示,每年约有 550 亿个包裹用于泡沫包装运输。塑料气泡膜依赖于化石燃料,并且其中有98%的塑料包装都是一次性的,严重威胁着环境健康。「Woola」创始人正在经营一家在线电子商务商店,他们关注到了塑料包装带来的环境问题。绵羊毛是一种未
Pillow Boxes; Boxes By Industry. Printed Cosmetic Boxes; Printed Paper Bags. Printed Bag Styles. ... Made from rigid paper or card, we pride ourselves in producing some of the best packaging in the UK. ... We supply boxes for all types of business such as retail, e-commerce, product packaging, cosmetics and food industries. Don’t get stuck ...
BuyEcoGreen is an online shop specialising in green office supplies, school supplies and art and craft products.The store is a division of a long established Australian business, Ecopaper Pty Ltd, specialising in recycled and eco products. Our goal is to be part of the Australian transition to a more sustainable lifestyle: especially in the area of eco friendly and sustainable office supplies.
アクセサリー通販lupis(ルピス)では人気のバンスクリップを販売しています。新商品が毎日入荷!お得な割引クーポンも ...