数据显示,每年约有 550 亿个包裹用于泡沫包装运输。塑料气泡膜依赖于化石燃料,并且其中有98%的塑料包装都是一次性的,严重威胁着环境健康。「Woola」创始人正在经营一家在线电子商务商店,他们关注到了塑料包装带来的环境问题。绵羊毛是一种未
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Recycled crafts for kids can be a valuable tool of entertainment and distraction after a long school day. These crafts cost almost nothing to make and you can use materials from around the house, like oatmeal containers, toilet paper rolls, aluminum cans, and more!. If you're looking for recycling projects for kids that are perfect for Earth Day, this is a must-have collection. Save up …